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Claudia Savage

Claudia F. Saleeby Savage’s work appears in print, onstage, and in museums and explores multidisciplinary collaboration and diaspora. She is a Black Earth Institute fellow for 2018-2021 and part of the music-poetry performance duo Thick in the Throat, Honey. Raised in Queens, NY and the south, she received her M.A. in literature and women’s studies in Colorado and teaches throughout the country. Her poems, essays, and interviews have been published, most recently, in Water-Stone Review, Denver Quarterly, Columbia, and BOMB. Her interview series, “Witness the Hour: Conversations with Arab-American Poets Across the Diaspora” was a 2017-2019 feature in Anomaly. This past year she performed as part of a panel on immigration and refugees at The University of Oregon. She is a Pushcart and Best New Poets nominee and the author of Bruising Continents, The Last One Eaten: A Maligned Vegetable’s History, and the collaboration The Hour of Anjali. Her collaboration, reductions, about motherhood and ephemerality, with visual artist Jacklyn Brickman, is forthcoming in Chicago and Detroit in 2020. She’s garnered awards from Jentel, Ucross, The Atlantic Center for the Arts, and Portland’s Regional Arts and Culture Council. Her poetics are influenced by rabid reading, Alice Coltrane, and long hikes in drippy forests. She teaches and lives with her husband and daughter in Portland, OR.

Jun. 10, 2020 – CANCELED

Claudia Savage’s reading rescheduled to Wednesday, November 11, 2020.


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