Charles Goodrich
Charles Goodrich’s new book of poems, Watering the Rhubarb, is just out from Flowstone Press. Previous books include the poetry collections A Scripture of Crows; Going to Seed: Dispatches from the Garden; and Insects of South Corvallis, along with a collection of essays, The Practice of Home, and two co-edited anthologies, Forest Under Story: Creative Inquiry in an Old-Growth Forest and In the Blast Zone: Catastrophe and Renewal on Mount St. Helens. Following a long career as a professional gardener and a decade working with the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word at Oregon State University, Charles writes and gardens near the confluence of the Marys and Willamette Rivers in the traditional homeland of the Ampinefu Band of the Kalapuya, in Corvallis, Oregon. FMI: